My article on AM:
Delimično pomračenje Sunca 25. oktobra 2022.
Niško Astronomsko društvo Alfa u Strelcu
Nobelova nagrada za fiziku 2022
Poreklo naziva geoloških perioda u istoriji planete Zemlje
Napredovanje čovečanstva kroz istoriju u snalaženju u prostoru
AK Letenka 2022 dronom: šetnja po kampu
Definicija ekstrasolarnih planeta
Formiranje planeta i Sunčev sistem
10 zanimljivih činjenica koje verovatno niste znali o Ser Isaku Njutnu
Traganje za vansolarnim planetama
Rađanje ideje o postojanju vansolarnih planeta
NASAin lender InSight detektovao najjači potres iakda zabeležen na drugoj planeti
JWST: Završeno podešavanje i kalibracija
Najmoćniji teleskop leti u svemir - šta da očekujemo? Jutarnji program "Probudi se" na Novas TV
Stanković-Bubnjević, Jutarnji program "Probudi se" na Novas TV
Na programu predavanje: “Treći kamen od Sunca – Zemlja”
Kaipaan Letenka
Astrofotografija mobilnim telefonom 4
Astrofotografija mobilnim telefonom 3
Astrofotografija mobilnim telefonom 2
Astrofoto u nemogućim uslovima
LIGHTPOLL 2018 - Mesec: Grnja & Stanković
Zemljotres u Albaniji
AD Alfa na Nišville džez festivalu
Topografska karta Letenke (iz 2017)
Animacija potresa od 2001. do 2015.
Zemljotres potresao Niš
Krateri i kako ih razlikovati
AKL 2018 - kako su ga videle ptice
Da li ste znali?
Zemljotres u Italiji, okrug Peruđa
Novo lice Ceresa
"Apokaliptično" nevreme - prirodna ili izazvana pojava?
Zemljotres u Rumuniji (Region Vranče)
Hteli ste da pitate nešto o zemljotresima?
Kako da vidite subatomske čestice
AKL2016: Određivanje granične magnitude neba nad Letenkom
Kako se meri snaga zemljotresa
Kako se prenosi zemljotres kroz tlo
Stalaktiti nisu samo pećinski nakit
Šta će biti sa nama 2012 2. deo
Vulkanski najaktivnije telo u Sunčevom sistemu
My article on other sites:
Curriculum Vitae
Cedomir Stankovic
18000 Nis
Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.
Profile: Bachelor of Science in Geodesy and Geoinformatics Engineering; currently a postgratuate at the University of Belgrade.
Nationality: Serbian
Technical Skills:
• Experienced in using Mapsoft software (postgraduate projects, graduate level assignments, research), GIS and ArcGIS (graduate courses and projects), AutoCAD (research projects), ERSI, Delmo 3D, Fusion LiDAR Software, Unavco etc.
Communication Skills:
• Oral: Good oral communication skills developed through tutoring at the University of Belgrade and working in GIS projects
• Written: Excellent writing skills gained from writing projects, theses and research papers
• Networking: liaison with both university students and the staff , as well as with IT industry professionals for the purpose of maintaining contacts and keeping up to date with innovations
Creativity and innovation:
- Proposed a new system of working in the GIS system - Auto CAD
- Proposed new projects related to astronomy
Organisation and time management:
• Attained high grades during the academic study, while also working part time in two different positions and being an active member of the University Astronomical Society “Alpha” and a lecturer in astrophysics
Work Experience:
- Lecturer at the Astronomical society “Alpha”
- Lecturer at the astronomy camp “Letenka” 2011., 2012., 2013., 2014., 2015., 2016. in Novi Sad, Serbia
- Speaker at the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the field of astronomy in the city of Nis, Serbia
• Topic from the elementary studies – The effect of gravity on the geoid and applications gravimetric in geodesy
Interests: A passionate bycycle rider. An active member of the Astronomical society “Alpha” at the University of Nis.
My great passion is the Universum and the Space.
In brief:
I graduated at the Faculty of Geodesy, Specialized Geomatics at the University of Belgrade. Have been dealing with astronomy since childhood. I am a member of the Astronomical Society “Alpha” in the city of Nis. Writing on the Internet for Astronomical Journal magazine, working on popularizing science and astronomy. I'm working on breaking down and confuting astro-lies and quasi learning related to astronomy and physics. Most of my free time I spend riding the bicycle.