May14. 2012.

Sreac Newsletter

issue 11

Dear colleagues, Belgrade, May 14. 2012.

You have probably noted that you have received the last issue of this newsletter almost a year ago. The reason is simple: SREAC as a UNESCO sponsored project aiming to boost contacts and collaboration in astronomy in our geographical region is for the moment without stable financing. Much effort has been invested in preparing two applications for a COST action which could be a continuation of the idea of SREAC. The second attempt was much better rated than the first one,so now we are waiting for the outcome of the third attempt

In the continuation, I am including the information for a meeting being organized by the Astronomical Observatory in Belgrade, kindly sent by Dr. Zoran Knezevic. Let me just remind you that the AOB web is

Dear colleagues,

>> please find below the First announcement of the conference
>> Celebrating the 125-years of Astronomical observatory Belgrade
>> to be held from September 18th to 21st in Belgrade, Serbia.
>> Website:
>> 1. the solar system
>> 2. stellar astrophysics
>> 3. galactic and extragalactic astronomy
>> 4. transient phenomena
>> 5. astroinformatics, Virtual Observatory and computer modeling
>> 6. surveys and follow-ups
>> 7. networking, robotic telescopes and instrumentation
>> 8. education, public outreach and popularization of astronomy
>> *
>> *
>> * Vadym Adamyan
>> * Odessa National University
>> * Paolo Battinelli
>> * INAF-OAR, Astronomical Observatory of Rome
>> * Tim Brown
>> * Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network
>> * George Djorgovski
>> * California Institute of Technology
>> * Frank Grundahl (TBC)
>> * Stellar Observations Network Group
>> * Petr Heinzel
>> * Astronomical Institute,
>> Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
>> * Laszlo Kiss
>> * Konkoly Observatory
>> * Jiri Kubat
>> * Astronomical Institute,
>> Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
>> * Giuseppe Longo
>> * University of Napoli
>> * Petr Pravec
>> * Astronomical Institute,
>> Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
>> A. N. Ramaprakash
>> * Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics
>> In the era of abundant large aperture telescopes (8 m and above) the
>> development of fail-safe robotic control, smaller and more
>> cost-effective instruments, better detector technology and computer
>> software enables the smaller telescope to remain active at the
>> forefront of discovery. Research programs which require prompt
>> response or significant time allocation are generally difficult to
>> implement at the biggest telescopes. Furthermore, robotic metre-class
>> telescopes can be more easily integrated into dedicated networks for
>> continuous monitoring and support of large surveys including
>> space-based missions and used as for development and demonstration of
>> new detector technology. Metre-class telescopes provide the most
>> efficient means of training future researchers and can be used
>> effectively in secondary schools and public outreach to give
>> non-astronomers a much more realistic idea of what modern astrophysics
>> is about.
>> In celebration of the 125th anniversary of the Astronomical
>> Observatory of Belgrade (AOB) and within the scope of the FP7 project
>> BELISSIMA an international conference will be held in Belgrade from
>> the 18th to 21st September 2012. Within the project BELISSIMA, AOB is
>> currently developing a new robotic 1.5 m telescope for its
>> Astronomical Station Vidojevica site. The goal of the conference is to
>> explore present day and future opportunities and most promising
>> science questions that can be addressed using metre-class telescopes.
>> Scientific Organizing Committee Members
>> Astronomical Observatory Belgrade (AOB) :
>> Zoran Kneževic, Srdan Samurovic, Ištvan Vince, Miroslav Micic, Milan
>> Cirkovic, Milan Bogosavljevic
>> External SOC members:
>> Tanyu Bonev, Observatory of Rozhen, Bulgaria
>> George Djorgovski, California Institute of Technology, USA
>> Frederic Hessman, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany
>> Zach Ioannou, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
>> Andrea Milani, Universita di Pisa, Italy
>> Michael Weber, Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik, Potsdam, Germany
>> The registration is now open.
>> Conference poster can also be obtained from the following link:
>> Please forward this information at your department and to any other
>> colleagues who may be interested.
>> Many thanks,
>> Dr Milan Bogosavljevic
>> Astronomical observatory Belgrade
>> Serbia

Clear skies and speedy computers to all,

Dr.Vladan Celebonovic
Institute of Physics
Pregrevica 118
11080 Zemun-Belgrade
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Author: Vladan Čelebonović


  • Okavango said More
    Nisam siguran, ali kontam da ne postoji... 14 sati ranije
  • Драган Танаскоски said More
    Letela ptica ili ne, ukupna masa celog... 14 sati ranije
  • Qaurk Mark said More
    Eto nama superpozicije i narušavanje... 14 sati ranije
  • Драган Танаскоски said More
    Iako je to najveća brzina nečega što... 22 sati ranije
  • Baki said More
    Dobar izbor, zaslužuje pađnju. Sonda... 1 dan ranije
