April 4.2010.

Sreac Newsletter

issue 02

Dear colleagues,

This issue of our newsletter will be brief,as it will just give you several addresses on the internet on which you can find announcements of meetings and astronomy-related events. The announcements are as follows:

If you are interested in arcaeoastronomy, and if you can travel to South America, you may be interested in the meeting on Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy which is being prepared for January 5-9,2011 in Lima (Peru). Details are available at the web site

The preparations for ESCAMPIG and SPIG, two meetings of physicists but with possible interest for astronomers are well advanced. For details consult the web page of the Institute of Physics in Belgrade at

This newsletter,although it has only started to appear, is visible on the internet on two continets. Namely,in Serbia, owing to the good offices of Mr. Aleksandar Zorkić, it is posted at the site of the review Astronomski magazin at:

And in Canada, it is being posted by Mr. Michael Boschat at his astronomy page at the address: http://www/

Many thanks to Aleksandar and Mike.

Clear skies and speedy computers to all,

Author: Vladan Čelebonović


  • Драган Танаскоски said More
    Evo analogije koja može da pomogne... 6 sati ranije
  • Драган Танаскоски said More
    Problem je u tome što mi ne možemo... 12 sati ranije
  • Rapaic Rajko said More
    Prva slika u clanku je moj favorit za... 15 sati ranije
  • Rapaic Rajko said More
    Zasto prva osoba (inicijator promene... 15 sati ranije
  • Драган Танаскоски said More
    Šteta što se oštetio. Da nije... 1 dan ranije
