


Predavanja će se održavati sredom sa početkom u 18.00 časova,  u sali 301 F na trećem spratu zgrade Matematičkog instituta SANU, Knez Mihailova 36/III, (zgrada preko puta glavne zgrade SANU).

Sreda, 1 jun 2011 u 18 sati (18h) Lecture No. 1157

Dr. Vladan Čelebonović, Laboratorija za multidisciplinarna istra`ivanja Instituta za fiziku, Beograd

O teoriji Savica i Kasanina o ponasanju materijala pod visokim pritiskom

Apstrakt: Cilj ovog predavanja je da prikaze osnovne ideje teorije o ponasanju materijala pod visokim pritiskom koju su sezdesetih godina proslog veka predlozili akademici Pavle Savic i Radivoje Kasanin. Bice prikazani i rezultati njihove teorije dobijeni u oblasti astro i geo-fizike, ali i fizike cvrstog stanja. Ukazace se i na otvorene probleme.

Sreda, 8 jun 2011 u 18 sati (18h) Lecture No. 1158

Sreda (Wednesday), 8 juni (June 8 ) 2011 u 18 sati (18h) Lecture No. 1158

Full  Prof. Dr. José Manoel Balthazar,  UNESP-UnivEstadualPaulista,Rio Claro, SP, Braz

Lecture Title: On nonlinear ands Chaotic Dynamic interactions between Oscillators


We will investigate some aspects of the bifurcations of parameters and the nonlinear dynamic interactions of special vibrating systems coupled to a nonlinear essentially oscillator for vibration attenuation, according to different mathematical models motived by recent results.

We will take into account that the study of a vibrating system with (non ideal) external excitation influenced by the response of the system has been considered as a major challenge in theoretical and practical engineering research.

The governing equations of motion will be solved both analytical and numerically. This will permit us to examine not only small and steady state oscillations, but also large -amplitude oscillations in transient states. Some experimental results will be presented.

An active control analytical strategy was also suggested for a class of global problems where chaotic behavior is controlled.

The linear feedback control problem for nonlinear systems has been formulated under the viewpoint of optimal control theory. Asymptotic stability of the closed-loop nonlinear system is guaranteed by means of a Lyapunov function, which can clearly be seen to be the solution of the Hamiton-Jacobi-Bellman equation thus guaranteeing both stability and optimality. The formulated theorem expresses explicitly the form ofminimized functional and gives the sufficient conditions that allow the use of linear feedback control for the nonlinear system.

About the Speaker

Full Professor Balthazar and Fellow 1A of CNPq-Brazilian Council for Mechanical Engineering Research Development. received a Doctor in Science degree (Livre Docente) from UNESP-University Estadual Paulista, Rio Claro, SP, Brazil, and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, from the School of Engineering, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Carlos (EEUSP-Sao Carlos), SP, and Master in Aeronautic Engineering, Brazil,ITA, São José dos Campos,SP,Brazil.He is also member of Academy of Mechanics,USA and Academy of Sciences, Nonlinear, Nonlinear Dynamics Commission -Branch of Lublin, Poland and Member of Commission of Nonlinear oscillations, IFTOM.

He is the Editor-in-Chief of Mathematical Problems to Engineering (MPE), and he is member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Vibration and Control.

He is elected member of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (ABCM), Brazil Council, President of the Nonlinear Phenomena in Engineering Committee (ABCM), Brazil, and Chairman of the Brazilian Conference onDynamics, Control and their Applications, since 2001.

In the period 1994-1995 he has been Visiting Professor of the Engineering Science Department(ESM), Virginia Tech.,Blacksburg and in 2010, Visiting Professor of Departments of Mechanical Science and Engineering (MechSE),he Linear and Nonlinear Dynamics and Vibrations Laboratory (LNDVL) at the University of Illinois, Champsaign-Urbana,Il,USA.

His current fields of research interest are Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, Control and their applications in Engineering Science.

Predavanja će se održavati sredom sa početkom u 18.00 časova,  u sali 301 F na trećem spratu zgrade Matematičkog instituta SANU, Knez Mihailova 36/III, (zgrada preko puta glavne zgrade SANU).

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Katica R. (Stevanović) Hedrih

Upravnik Odeljenja za mehaniku


  • нина :D said More
    divno, divno, hvala gosn. 7 sati ranije
  • Baki said More
    Klajd Vilijam Tombo preminuo je 1997. u... 4 dana ranije
  • Vladan Andric said More
    Ja mislim da je Mesec nekakav stit... 5 dana ranije
  • marino1 said More
    snjeg u opoziciji, aaa predobar... 5 dana ranije
  • Miroslav said More
    Dragane "teška pitanje teoriji... Pre 1 nedelje
